Shuangyuan Disc Springs CO.,LTD

The Importance Of Disc Spring Load

The importance of the disc spring in the mechanical and control systems is often underestimated, resulting in the equipment malfunction or failure.
The disc spring in the spring industry occupy a very important position , according to actual use needs, The disc spring characteristic parabolic curve make changes between a large parabola and a straight line with the change of the geometrical parameters.

The size and curve of the relationship of the disc spring

The size and curve of the relationship of the disc spring shown as picture:

━━ (large parabola) D=63,d=31,t=1.8,Ho=4.15mm
…… (potential lines) D=63,d=31,t=2.5,Ho=4.25mm
- - -  (straight line)   D=63,d=31,t=3.5,Ho=4.90mm

The most significant feature of disc spring is small space heavy load,disc spring widely used in static movement of the stored potential energy,also applied to dynamic motion.
Disc spring used in Sine wave moving load,our engineer will use formula to calculate the service life,generally combination of disc spring As standard with 2 million times.